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Resources for journalists

Name of organisation Expertise Contact details
The Automobile Association (AA) For media enquiries about fuel prices, road safety. [email protected]
01256 493493
The Active Travel Academy (University of Westminster) Academic research, including walking, cycling, and road safety. [email protected]
Cycling UK On the record comment, briefings, interviews on road safety from a cycling and vulnerable road user perspective, and in-depth knowledge of legal and policy changes affecting cycling. Cycling UK should in some cases be able to help journalists find case studies. [email protected]
01483 238315
The FIA Foundation The FIA Foundation can provide resources, in country connections and spokespeople on the global perspectives on speed, infrastructure, vehicle design, vehicle emissions and urban futures. Kate Turner, Media & Public Affairs Manager
[email protected]
02077 475195
07879 893222
Professor Sally Kyd Legal academic with expertise in road traffic offences. Prof Sally Kyd, Leicester Law School, University of Leicester
[email protected]
Living Streets The UK charity for everyday walking. In their early days, their campaigning led to the UK’s first zebra crossings and road speed limits. The charity is available for comment on walking, pedestrian safety and the pedestrian realm. Kathryn Shaw, Communications and Media Manager, Living Streets.
[email protected]
07545 209865
PACTS (Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety) Its charitable objective is “To protect human life through the promotion of transport safety for the public benefit”. PACTS advises and informs members of the House of Commons and of the House of Lords on air, rail and road safety issues. David Davies, Executive Director, PACTS
02072 227732 (out of hours: 07788 817072)
RoadPeace Charity supporting victims of road collisions and their families, and campaigning. [email protected]
07807 198361
Roads Policing Academic Network Academics engaged in research on a range of aspects of roads policing and road safety. Dr Helen Wells, Keele University
[email protected]
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) Carries out real-world and virtual research into road layout and design, vehicle design safety. [email protected]
01242 650571
Wheels for Wellbeing Expertise around disabled people and active travel, cycling in particular. [email protected]
02073 468482